This page includes all animals that start with the letter Z that we plan to cover on Fact Animal. As we publish new content, each of these animals will be linked to their dedicated profile fact pages.
From Zebra to Zorilla, read extraordinary facts about animals beginning with the letter Z.
Zebra Duiker
Zebra Shark
Please see our Animal A-Z list for animals that start with different letters.
Animal Names That Start With Z
Read on for an overview of each of the animals listed above that begin with the letter Z.
Zebras are some of the best-known animals on the savanna, immediately identifiable by their black and white striped coat. They are native to Africa and are a part of the horse family, most closely-related to donkeys.
Fun Fact: Each zebra’s stripe pattern is unique, similar to human fingerprints.
Zebra Duiker
The Zebra Duiker is a small antelope found in the forests of West Africa. It gets its name from the zebra-like stripes on its back, but it has no relation to its namesake the zebra, and is in the Bovid family.
Fun Fact: Zebra Duikers are not only well camouflaged but also have exceptional leaping ability and speed, allowing them to escape into dense vegetation when threatened.
Zebrafish are small freshwater fish native to South Asia. They are commonly used in scientific research due to their regenerative abilities and transparent embryos. Unlike the zebra, their stripes are horizontal.
Fun Fact: Zebrafish can regenerate damaged fins, hearts, and even parts of their brain, and they can produce over 200 eggs each week!
Zebra Shark
The Zebra Shark, sometimes known as the Leopard Shark, is a species of carpet shark found in the Indo-Pacific region.
Fun Fact: This fish has both stripes and spots, depending on how old it is. Zebra sharks are named for their distinctive black stripes on a tan background as juveniles, but as they age, the stripes give way to spots, making them
Zebu is a type of humped, domestic cattle originating from South Asia. They are well-adapted to hot climates and are commonly raised for meat, milk, and as draft animals.
Fun Fact: Zebus are one of the most successful species of domestic cow, having been introduced to various tropical countries as a resilient and productive animal.
Zokors are small, mole-like, burrowing rodents found in Asia, particularly in China and Mongolia. They have stout bodies and strong front limbs for digging.

Fun Fact: Zokors are excellent burrowers and create complex tunnel systems underground, which helps them avoid predators.
A Zonkey is a hybrid cross between a zebra and a donkey. These hybrids have a mix of characteristics from both parent species.
Fun Fact: Zonkeys are typically sterile, meaning they cannot reproduce. They are bred for their unique appearance. They’re the product of a male donkey and a female zebra.
Zooplankton are typically microscopic or small organisms that drift in the water, forming a crucial part of the marine food chain.
Fun Fact: Zooplankton includes a diverse range of animals, defined not by their size, but by their reliance on ocean currents to travel. While most are tiny, the largest such animal might be a 200 kg jellyfish!
Zorro is the Spanish word for “fox,” and the name given to a species of South American fox in the genus Lycalopex. These significant mesopredators are mid-sized carnivores spread out across the South American continent.
Fun Fact: The character Zorro is named after the crafty, agile capabilities of the fox. They’re a sister tribe to the Vulpini, containing the “true” foxes.
The Zorilla, also known as the Striped Polecat, is a small carnivorous mammal found in Africa. They are skunk-like mustelids but are strong predators, capable of eating rodents, snakes, birds, amphibians, and insects.
Fun Fact: Like skunks, zorillas have a defensive stink that they can spray. Some who’ve borne the brunt of this say it’s even worse than a skunk!
A Zorse is a hybrid animal resulting from the crossbreeding of a zebra and a horse. Like the Zonkey, they’re usually sterile. This is the outcome of a male zebra and a female horse.
Fun Fact: Zorses can vary widely in appearance, with some displaying more prominent zebra-like stripes than others.
What Other Animals Begin With ‘Z’?
That completes our list of animals that begin with the letter Z.
Hopefully you’ve learned a few new ones, but are there any that we’re missing in our list that you would like to see covered?
If so, get in touch. Please see our Animal A-Z list for animals that start with different letters.