This page includes all animals that start with the letter U that we plan to cover on Fact Animal. As we publish new content, each of these animals will be linked to their dedicated profile fact pages.
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Uganda Kob
Unexpected Cotton Rat
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Animal Names That Start With U
Read on for an overview of each of the animals listed above that begin with the letter U.
The Uakari is a genus of 4 species of monkey all found in the Amazon Rainforest. One species, is infamous for its bright red, bulbous face and short tail.
Fun fact: Despite looking like a boiled monk, the Bald Uakari’s red face is thought to indicate good health, making it a desirable trait among potential mates of its own species.
Uganda Kob
The Uganda Kob is a subspecies of kob antelope native to Uganda, recognizable by its reddish-brown coat and spiral-shaped horns in males.
Fun fact: Uganda kobs were once native to a much larger portion of East Africa but have been wiped out and greatly reduced. Despite this, they are still doing well as a species.
Uguisu, also known as the Japanese Bush Warbler, is a small bird native to East Asia, celebrated in Japanese culture for its distinctive song, yet so plain and tiny that it’s rarely seen.
Fun fact: In Japan, the Uguisu’s song is associated with the arrival of spring and is often depicted in traditional poetry and art.
The Umbrellabird is a large, bizarre-looking black bird found in the rainforests of Central and South America, named for the distinctive crest of feathers on its head.
Fun fact: Male Umbrellabirds use their inflatable throat sacs, or wattles, to produce booming calls during courtship displays, which can be heard from a distance. These are the lowest-frequency calls in the passerine order.
Unexpected Cotton Rat
The Unexpected Cotton Rat is a rodent species found in marshy habitats in Ecuador. Despite the name, there’s no cotton where these little rodents live, though its better-known cousins have been known as crop pests in the Americas.
Fun fact: This rat lives in a tremendously limited range, only in Ecuador, and only between 3500 and 3800 meters, as far as we know.
The Unau, or Linnaeus’s Two-Toed Sloth, is a slow-moving mammal native to Central and South America and is well known for spending most of its life hanging upside down in trees.
Fun fact: Unaus have an extremely slow metabolism, taking up to a month to digest a single meal, which mainly consists of leaves. They have some of the lowest and most variable body temperatures of any mammal.
The Unicornfish is a tropical fish found in coral reefs of the Indian and Pacific Oceans. It’s a strange-looking animal, presenting with an elongated horn-like projection on its forehead.
Fun fact: The Unicornfish’s Pinocchio-like horn, called a rostral protuberance, is used for defence against predators and can grow longer with age.
The Urutu is a venomous pit viper snake native to South America, known for its distinctive brownish-yellow colouration and potent venom.
Fun fact: Despite its highly venomous bite, the Urutu is considered relatively shy and tends to avoid confrontation with humans when possible.
The Urial is a wild sheep species native to mountainous regions in South and Southern Asia and the Middle East, with epic, curved horns and a shaggy coat.
Fun fact: Male Urials carry phenomenal appendages on their heads, with some horns reaching up to a meter long and ending behind the head.
Uromastyx, also known as Spiny-tailed Lizards, are reptiles found in arid regions of Africa, the Middle East, and Asia, popular in the exotic pet trade.
Fun fact: Uromastyx have specialized nasal glands that excrete excess salt, allowing them to survive in extremely dry environments by conserving water. Because of this, they rarely need to drink and get most of their water from the food they eat.
Urchins are diverse, small, spiny marine creatures belonging to the phylum Echinodermata. They’re found in oceans all over the world and at all depths, playing essential roles in marine ecosystems.
Fun fact: Despite their seemingly immobile appearance, urchins use tiny tube feet to move along the ocean floor and to capture food particles from the water, and some are even predators of slow-moving animals.
The Upupa, or Eurasian Hoopoe, is a colourful bird found across Europe, Asia, and Africa, immediately recognizable by its distinctive crown of feathers and long, slender bill. As with the name Hoopoe, Upupa is a reference to the bird’s call.
Fun fact: Upupas have been recognised in ancient civilisations for as long as records have been kept. They show up on ancient Egyptian tombs and art from Minoan Crete.
The Utonagan is a breed of dog developed in the United Kingdom to look a lot like a Grey wolf but without all of the murderous intent.
Fun fact: The Utonagan’s name is derived from Chinook, a Native American language, meaning “spirit of the wolf,” reflecting its wolf-like appearance and gentle nature. They’re confident, friendly animals that make good companions.
What Other Animals Begin With ‘U’?
That completes our list of animals that begin with the letter U.
Hopefully you’ve learned a few new ones, but are there any that we’re missing in our list that you would like to see covered?
If so, get in touch. Please see our Animal A-Z list for animals that start with different letters.